Struggling with Clutter?

Here are some common reasons why clutter accumulates:

  1. Unclear Definition of Clutter: Clutter means different things to different people, but as a general rule, it’s time to donate or toss an item if it’s broken, not useful, unappealing, or lacks sentimental value.
  2. Difficulty Letting Go: You may feel attached to an item due to its sentimental value, its status as a gift, or because you believe it may come in handy in the future. However, it’s important to recognize when it’s time to part with an item.
  3. Absence of Organization Habits: Clutter piles up when it becomes part of the background. By incorporating a practical organizational routine, cleaning can become second nature and clutter will have less time to accumulate.
  4. Impulse Shopping: Making impulsive purchases can lead to clutter. Avoid buying items that you don’t have a designated place to store or won’t use in the near future. Although it may feel satisfying to buy things on a whim, it’s not a long-term solution.

When you move into your new home, it’s essential to assess your living style and determine how the physical space can work for you. To get more familiar with the psychological effects of clutter and how to manage it, please see our accompanying resource.

Struggling with Clutter from Mo2 Properties, a Ukrainian Village Chicago Apartment Rental Company

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