In the past few years, working from home has become normalised. Whereas once the concept of working remotely was contained largely to a few sectors, as well as to the digital nomads who sought to work not only remotely but also simultaneously travel, now it is increasingly commonplace, with many finding their homes becoming their new office space.
While there are many benefits of working from home, it is not without its challenges and only those who take the time to consider their environments and assets will find remote working worthwhile and rewarding in the long run.
Make Time For Elsewhere
One of the biggest challenges many face when working from home is occupying the same space, i.e. the home, all day. It is important that individuals take time to be elsewhere, dedicating time to step outdoors or run errands that give them a break from their home. Doing so will help individuals to feel less confined and more energised throughout the day.
Stimulate Your Brain
What is your office space doing for you? If it is without sensory stimulation, then it may not be as effective a space as you might think. Consider filling it with aromas and textures, as well as visually stimulating prints and decor, all of which will help to keep your brain active and happy.
Professional And Personal Divide
The reason that many choose to build log cabins as an office solution is that they are separate from a central living space, keeping professional areas away from personal ones. This is invaluable in the long term because it reduces the likelihood of burnout, with employment obligations being kept out of sight at the end of the day.
Nature Light
An important reason to work near a source of natural light, or spend a greater amount of time outdoors, is to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. Adding the opportunity for plenty of natural light in a working space also helps to reduce energy consumption and lift moods.
Invest In Your Set-Up
Cost-cutting can be a challenge when it comes to home offices and so very easily becomes corner-cutting instead. Those who choose to invest in high-quality furniture and office equipment will, conversely, find themselves more comfortable and productive in the long run.
Modular Furniture
Those who are struggling to make a home office work for them should consider modular furniture solutions. Both technological and design advances are making home office furniture more adjustable and easily integrated than ever before, meaning that many can create great office spaces even in small rooms.
Distraction Free
Distractions occur in a number of ways, from noise to social media. Those who separate themselves from these potential disruptors will find themselves performing better when working. As such, it is worth insulating an office space from potential noises and keeping entertainment options to a minimum.
Multiple Screens
Those who rely on a computer to complete their professional tasks often don’t consider a second monitor until they see others utilise them. It is a simple addition to an office space, connecting to a home computer or laptop, but one that can make a significant difference in efficiency and digital comfort.